WOLF’s Job :
Adaptive Optics Scientist,
eXtreme AO applications and validations (WP2, 3)
J.-F. Sauvage received his PhD degree in 2007 in « Astrophysique and associated instrumentation » doctoral school in Paris VI university. His PhD was dedicated to the extreme adaptive Optics ultimate performance, and the compensation of the Non-Common Path Aberrations in such a system. Since then, the high contrast imaging remains his central line of research. He developped a novel wave-front sensor dedicated to high contrast imaging (COFFEE), and he has performed the integration of the SPHERE Adaptive Optics system on sky, and demonstrated the first performance on sky and the first scientific results.
In parallel he worked on different adaptive optics systems for defense, optical telecommunications. Since 2015, he develops new applications for adaptive optics taking benefit from his position in Marseille : cortical imaging in collaboration with « Institut des Neurosciences de la Timone », and beam shaping for TeraHertz imaging with LOMA (Bordeaux).
He is now in charge of the SCAO system of HARMONI (Single Conjugate Adaptive Optics), the first-light Integral Field Spectrograph for the european Extremely Large Telescope.