zoom on The journey team

In order to succeed the mission, an entire crew works on the project tirelessly.
Summary of persons invlved in WOLF
Partner | Name | First name | Current position | Role & responsibilities in the project (4 lines max) | Involvement (person.month) throughout the project’s total duration |
ONERA | Fusco | Thierry | MR2[1] | ANR Coordinator WP1 and 2 Coordinator | 20p.month |
ONERA | Sauvage | Jean-Francois | IR | WP2, WP3, WP4 | 12p.month |
ONERA | Petit | Cyril | IR | WP2, WP4 | 6p.month |
ONERA | Mugnier | Laurent | MR2 | WP2 | 5p.month |
ONERA | Conan | Jean-Marc | MR1 | WP4 | 5p.month |
ONERA | Janin-Potiron | Pierre | Post doc | WP3 | 12p.month |
ONERA | Fauvarque | Olivier | PhD | WP2 and WP3 | 36p.month |
ONERA | Chambouleyron | Vincent | PhD | WP3 and WP4 | 36p.month |
LAM | Neichel | Benoit | CR | Local coordinator WP3 manager | 20p.month |
LAM | El-Hadi | Kacem | IR | WP3 | 10p.month |
LAM | Ferrari | Marc | Astronome | WP1 | 4p.month |
LAM | Ballard | Philippe | IE | WP3 | 4p.month |
LAM | Caillat | Amandine | IE | WP3 | 4p.month |
LAM | Gach | Jean-Luc | IR | WP2, WP3 | 5 p.month |
LAM | Le Mignant | David | IR | WP3 | 5p.month |
LAM | Beuzit | Jean-Luc | DR | WP2,WP4 | 4p.month |
LAM | Correia | Carlos | Chair d’excellence | WP2,WP3 | 10p.month |
LAM | Brulé | Yoann | Post doc | WP2 (LGS activities) | 12p.month |
LAM | ANR Post doc | To be hired | PhD | WP3 and WP4 | 18p.month |
LESIA | Rousset | Gérard | Professeur | Local coordinator WP4 manager | 10 p.month |
LESIA | Gendron | Eric | Astronome Adjoint | WP2 & 4 | 14 p.month |
LESIA | Vidal | Fabrice | IR | WP4 | 6 p.month |
LESIA | Lapeyrère | Vincent | IR | WP4 | 6 p.month |
LESIA | Sevin | Arnaud | IE | WP4 | 4 p.month |
LESIA | Dembet | Roderick | IE | WP4 | 4 p.month |
LESIA | Buey | Tristan | IR | WP4 | 8 p.month |
LESIA | Perret | Denis | IE | WP4 | 6 p.month |
LESIA | Chapron | Frédéric | IR | WP4 | 4 p.month |
LESIA | Galland | Nicolas | Post doc | WP3 and 4 | 18 p.month |
LESIA | Thijs | Simone | IE | WP4 | 4 p.months |
LESIA | Bertrou-Cantou | Arielle | Doc | WP4 | 10 p.months |
Durham Univ.[2] | Morris | Tim | Professor | WP4 | 5p.month |
Durham Univ. | Basden | Alistair | IR | WP4 | 5p.month |
INAF-Arcetri | Esposito | Simone | Professor | All WP (XAO activities) | 4p.month |
INAF-Arcetri | Pina | Enrico | researcher | WP3 | 4p.month |
INAF-Arcetri | Busoni | Lorenzo | IR | WP3 | 4p.month |
INAF-Padova | Ragazzoni | Roberto | Professor | All WP (LGS activities) | 5p.month |
INAF-Padova | Viotto | Valentina | IR | All WP (LGS activities) | 4P.month |
[1] IR, MR1 and 2 at ONERA are equivalent to IR1, CR1 and DR2 for the CNRS classification
[2] Durham Univ and INAF are associated partners. They do not directly receive funds from the ANR
To go further…

Jean-Francois Sauvage
Adaptive Optics Scientist ,
eXtreme AO applications and validations (WP2, 3)

To see a Focus on some team members