Back to the congres dealing with Adaptative Optics For Extremly Large Telescope in Quebec City for its 2019 edition
The 6th edition of the AO4ELT6 conference ( initiate by the ONERA and the »Observatoire de Paris » in 2009) took place in Québec, from the 10 to the 14 june of 2019 [1] . By bringing toguether nearly 300 persons, this conference has became, during the last years, the major meeting of the OA actors for the astronomy. The presentations and linked articles will be online soon.
This year, France was especially well represented with a co-chair of the conference, un member of the SOC and 15 oral presentations on the 75 done by the laboratories
(ONERA, LAM ; LESIA, OCA) as well as industrials from the domain(FLI, ALPAO, CILAS). Regarding the ANR WOLF, 11 presentations and 17 posters permited to highlith the work done as part as the ANR ( research work, or link to instruments developpement).
Among the numerous scientific and technical progresses presented, we can retain :
- The proposition of new concepts of Wave front scanners.
- The optimisation of pyramidal sensor, with some optimal optical gains took into account.
- The experimental validation of innovative concepts.
- The progress of projects as HARMONI and MICADO, the two instruments of first light of the Extremely Large Telescope of the ESO who finish their
preliminary dimensionnement step succesfully and now enter in the final design stage, for a first light forecast in 2026. - A new camera by First Light Imaging , to answer the specific needs of the wave front on star scanners, LASER ( 1.5 Méga-pixels read at 500Hz, with a reading noise lower than 3e- by pixel)
In general, the conference has shown one more time the unique expertise and the vitality of the french institutes and french industrials in the field, with an implication in 40% of the conference contributions. Driven by this success, the LAM proposed to organize the next edition, which will take place in Marseille during the 2021 spring
[1] see

the WOLF team presentations during the convention
For more informations about this year congress, go check The official website of the AO4ELT6.
Long time supporter, and thought I’d drop a comment.
Your wordpress site is very sleek – hope you don’t mind
me asking what theme you’re using? (and don’t mind if I
steal it? :P)
I just launched my site –also built in wordpress like yours– but the theme slows (!) the site down quite a
In case you have a minute, you can find it by
searching for « royal cbd » on Google (would appreciate any feedback) – it’s still in the works.
Keep up the good work– and hope you all take care of yourself during the coronavirus scare!
Hello Justin !
Thanks for the support ! 🙂
The theme is INTERGALACTIC 2, I hope you will appreciate to use it too !